
Lanny DeVuono 

Lanny DeVuono’s multimedia practice the landscape as a metaphor for both the physical environment in which we live and the social/ psychological environments of our expectations. This often results in the viewer experiencing tensions and contrasts in texture and subject matter, making the artists’ work an equally visual and intellectual challenge.   

 De Vuono has been the recipient of numerous grants and fellowships, including Westword’s 100 Colorado Creatives in 2016  and a Fullbright Fellowship in 2004 – 2005. She has completed numerous artist residencies, including Redline Center for the Arts, the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, and Café Tissardmine.  De Vuono’s work has been exhibited at the Seattle Art Museum, Redline Contemporary Art Center, the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, the Arvada Center for the Arts, Neurotitan in Berlin, Germany, the Boise Art Museum, the Al Kahf Gallery at the International Center of Bethlehem, Palestine, Lart23tres Contemporary Art Gallery in Mexico, the Tacoma Arts Museum in Washington, and other institutions nationally and internationally.  


Gary Emrich


Tsehai Johnson